
Number of articles: 33.

Makefiles are convenient for semi-automating project tasks. We often use these files for running, building, and deploying projects. However, they often come without documentation.

This article explains how to print Makefile targets to the command line with help texts.

Tabs versus spaces; two spaces versus four; Windows versus Unix line endings: code editor settings differ per device and developer, which can be a hassle working in a team. There is an easy way to share base settings, and it's called EditorConfig.

Years ago, I built a bookmarklet to help me check heading structures on websites. This article links to the code on CodePen.

If-statement reversal is a technique that revolves around breaking from a function, loop, or script early by avoiding unnecessary code nesting.

Add a help directive to your Makefile to print a list of all available directives and their description.